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New Mentor Training

New Mentor Training 2021

A mentor is an individual with expertise who can help develop the career of a mentee. The mentor guides, trains, advises, and promotes the Academic and spiritual development of the mentee.
“Passing the torch to a new generation”
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Speaker Guideline

Sky Academy Mentor Training

       “Passing the torch to a new generation”

A mentor is an individual with expertise who can help develop the career of a mentee. The mentor guides, trains, advises, and promotes the Academic and spiritual development of the mentee.


Because the relationship between a mentor and young person might seem to be a “natural” connection, mentoring programs sometimes overlook the importance of training. But like anyone stepping into a new role, mentors are likely to succeed if they participate in useful training sessions that prepare them for what lies ahead. To begin developing their training plans, programs can ask themselves several key questions: 

  • ▪What information do mentors need to acquire? 
  • ▪What skills training do they need? 
  • ▪How much training should be required? Should there be optional training, as well? 
  • ▪When should the training take place?
    • – Before the mentor and youth first meet? 
    • – Early in their relationship? 
    • – Ongoing throughout their mentoring experience? 

The following material focuses on training new mentors and includes suggested activities for an initial training and program overview that adds up to about 20 hours of training. Because the tone of a mentor-youth relationship can be set quickly during the first few meetings, it is important that training takes place before they begin to meet with their mentees. 

Mentoring Functions 

Academic Functions: Guide the mentee through their education.

  • ▪Coaching
  • ▪Challenging assignments
  • ▪Tutoring 
  • ▪Following up

Psychosocial Functions: Help the mentee develop a sense of competence and clarity of identity.

  • ▪Role-Modeling 
  • ▪Acceptance and confirmation
  • ▪Counseling
  • ▪Friendship 

Advantages for the mentor: 

  • ▪Career enhancement
    • Resume building
    • experience 
  • ▪Social skills
    • Public speaking
    • Leadership
    • Time management
  • ▪Learning from mentee
    •  new technologies, 
    • new developments
    •  important features of next generation 
  • ▪Spiritual development

Role of Mentors

  • ▪Take the initiative for contacting their mentees and staying in touch with them 
  • ▪Help the mentee solve his or her own problem, rather than give direction.
  • ▪Be available on an as-needed basis, based on the specific goals 
  • ▪Attending Sky Academy’s Mentorship meetings to share headway, concerns, and details regarding upcoming mentorship events.

Corresponding Elements of Effective Practice:

  • ▪Training, Monitoring and Support, Closure
  • ▪Provide information about the strengths and vulnerabilities of the children or youth who are in the Sky Academy’s program.

Target Population/Eligibility of Target Sites:

  • ▪This resource is relevant to all mentors but contains some information that is specific to community-based mentors.


  • ▪Registration is voluntary but for the official certificate attendance is mandatory.
  • ▪If missed more than 4 hours of seminars, you cannot obtain a certificate. 
  • ▪Excused absences are only allowed for 4 hours of the program.
  • ▪If Seminar has begun Via Zoom your camera must be on. 

Program Details: 

  • ▪In the Sky Academy Mentor Training Program place can be a Sky Academy’s locations, a Pioneer Academy 3rd Floor (Wayne), Or via Zoom. 
  • ▪Program length is specified (18 hours)
  • ▪Program participation is voluntary 
  • ▪Each session will be 2 hours. 
  • ▪1 hour spiritual based one hour technical

Mentor Training
Weekly Topics

Weekly topics for mentor training are listed in the slideshow below.


Speaker Guideline

Guideline and advice for speakers

Prepared by 2021 Mentor Training Board


In this 10 session training program Sky Academy aims to train the new and upcoming mentors with crucial values and knowledge regarding mentoring. From technical topics like mentors communication and leadership skills to spiritual topics like Istisare and Ihlas our aim is to build a fundamental basis for our mentors with speakers who are skilled in these fields. We want our mentors to understand..

  • What mentoring is?
  • Why is mentoring important?
  • How can one be a great mentor?
  • The general concepts both technically and spiritually behind mentoring the new generations to come.


The program will be held over Zoom (until the current pandemic situation gets better). Cameras will be open of the students for the most part. There will be about 15 students in total for each boy and girl group which will have their program separately.

Expectation from Speakers

  • Presentation:
    • If possible we would highly encourage our valued speakers to use presentations so that the lecture has visuals which will enhance the attention of the students longer and intrigue them.
  • Interaction:
    • Being interactive with the students also helps with their focus and motivation. Asking questions, listening to opinions and making them think about certain aspects is important.
  • Preparation:
    • Touching on all sub-topics listed below.